Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Kaupapa Maori Day

Yesterday we had our Kaupapa Maori Day. Read Sophie, Arrochar and Connor's recounts to find out about it....

The Fun Day

Yesterday we had a maori day. First we walked to the hall and had some speeches and kai it was yummy! After we did some rakau sticks and poi with Mirs Wood. Then we had lunch and the juniors came. After we had some poi demonstration it was beautiful. At the end I was exhausted because I had done so much fun activites!
 By Sophie Orchiston

Yesterday it was Kaupapa Maori day. The juniors came over to the senior side.We sang a song.We had some milk and cookies then we had morning tea. I played ball tag with some of the little kids it was really fun.Before the juniors  went back  to their side of the school we went into the hall and sang a waiata. I was tired but really happy because I had so much fun.
By Connor Boereboom

Kaupapa Maori Day
Room 17 was in the hall. Then we sang some waiata our buddy class was Kindle 2. we did a hongi whith kindle 2. They were adorable. I said my mihi. Then we had morning tea. We had milk and cookies. After that we did some rakau. After that we did some poi. Then we went back to the hall. We did some more waiata. The haka group did a haka. I felt tired but happy because we had fun. We did it because we are studying the marae.
By Arrochar Voice
Enjoying our kai with the junior school
hongi action
Mihi Whakatau time

Nico giving a hongi

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Photos of our Museum Trip

Kia Ora everyone,

On Wednesday we went to Otago Museum. While we were there we saw some maori instruments, whaikairo (carvings) and we heard a maori legend about Papa and Rangi. They were in love and got pushed apart by Tane Mahuta.

We looked at the patterns and designs in the maori art and then we drew our own tikis.

We had a wonderful time and would like to say a big thank you to all of the parents that came along with us. Thanks James, Gretchen, Vanessa, James, Yoshi and Scott.

Have a look at the photos of our trip.

We are very proud of Lintong and Louie-Thomas

Look at the video of Lintong and Louie saying their Moment in Time speeches in front of the whole school. Both of these boys got through the Middle Team Finals into the School Finals. Lintong was placed third out of all the Year 3 children at George Street. Well Done boys. You worked very hard!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Nico is the Bucket Filler

Well Done Nico
You fill lots of buckets in ruma tekau ma whitu by being a great friend.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Pyjama Day

Hi everyone,

Wow! We have been so busy and haven't had the chance to write to you for a while.

Here are two latest Bucket Fillers,
Georgie and Noah
Both of them worked hard to make good choices to get their names in our bucket.

Today was P.J. Day and we felt a bit weird wearing our pyjamas to school. It was fantastic to get so many great prizes for the fair. Thank you for your contributions.

Over the next few weeks we will busy learning our poems and speeches for the school speech competition.

We also have a visit to the Otago Museum coming up so look out for the letter home about that. We will need some parent helpers for that trip please.

Talk soon,

From Room 17