Ni Hao,
Room 17 found it hard to decide what to write about in our blog this week because we thought of so many things to share.
We decided on telling you the following...
We had out first assembly on Friday. It was exciting to watch Room 11 share what they have been doing. We were a very respectful audience and sang the assembly songs beautifully!
In our classroom we have started reading every day with Miss Cassidy, we have bringing the books that we read home to share with you. Yesterday we brought homework home for the first time, we are excited about spending a little bit of time each night doing this with you.
We are currently on 5 days of awesomeness and have been working really hard on getting to 10 days of awesomeness so that we can earn some free time on the computers.
We have been finishing our Road Safety Topic this week, we worked together to make a display about being responsible on the road. Here is a picture of our display, it would be super of you came and had a look at it.
Please write a comment on our blog, we would love to read these.
Till next time
From Room 17